Your Path to Health and Wellness Begins Here

Paula Gilding

Introducing Paula Gilding

Paula Gilding is a Mental Health Social Worker and Psychotherapist. Paula is accredited with the Australia Association of Social Workers and is an approved provider of mental health services under Medicare.

Paula will begin working at GMC from Saturday 23 January 2021 and has plans to be available on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Speak to one of our receptionists about appointment availability.

Paula has experience working with children, adolescents, parents, adults and families in government, public health, education, non-government and community health settings, including: Sexual assault and child protection counselling with NSW Health Violence Abuse and Negect Services; trauma therapy in schools; hospital social work; group work development, facilitation and evaluation; participatory action research; clinical team leadership, senior management and clinical supervision in the child protection field. Paula has earned three masters degrees, consisting of a Master of Social Work, a Master of Gestalt Psychotherapy and a Master of Integrative Arts Psychotherapy (UK); as well as a Graduate Diploma of Education and a Diploma of Teaching.

Paula works relationally, dialogically and experientially – providing biopsychosocial assessments and treatment plans; evidence based, culturally safe and trauma informed focussed psychological interventions with individuals dyads, families and groups.

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